Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Why not just go down the new adelphi club?

Came across a post by a colleague which has inspired me to start on my blog again. Having only written one post in a couple of years I'm hoping things might improve! I can't believe how many projects I seem to have going despite what I thought was a conscious effort to narrow down my horizons.

List of projects in no particular order and I suspect I'm only just scratching the surface of my home space here....

1: New bathroom project - ongoing major renovation.
2: Fitting wood burning stove in shed on allotment - materials sourced
3: Creating wooden compost bins from reclaimed pallets on allotment.
4: Clearing waste ground on allotment to enable a new raised bed to be established.
5: Fitting a cap flap to the from door to enable the cat to come and go instead of driving everyone round the bend constantly trying to get in or out every 5 minutes.
6: Fitting louvered windows to the greenhouse to help improve ventilation.
7: Fit the airlock on the cider we just pressed over the weekend.
8: Printing some live music photos for consideration for a display.
9: Reclaiming some space on my hard drive to continue working on my photo projects.
10: Preparing my appraisal for work.
11: Repairing / replacing the right hand brake, gears and slow puncture on my bike.
12: Getting slow puncture on car fixed.
13: starting walking again in the evenings.
14: Getting out in the mornings to capture some of the wonderful scenes at sunrise during autumn.
15: Making a wormery for composting
16: Door Knobs on the doors
17: Light bulbs for garage and outside
18 Pony for Ruth
19: Plinths on the kitchen cupboards
20: Fixing the back gate so you can close it from the outside.
21: Building a pizza oven
22: Building a step outside.
23; Fix lights outside.
24: Repair door bell;
25: Lights in the kitchen.
26 New filter for fridge
27: Start blogging again......

On the other hand why not forget all this and just go down the The New Adelphi Club

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